This is mosquitto config for
per_listener_settings true global_plugin /usr/local/lib/ plugin_opt_db_file /var/lib/mosquitto/mosquitto.sqlite3 max_inflight_messages 10 max_queued_messages 1000 # MQTT, anon listener 1883 allow_anonymous true set_tcp_nodelay true # Custom plugin to deny certain wildcard subs plugin /usr/local/lib/ # Custom plugin to publish message size stats plugin /usr/local/lib/ # Custom plugin to publish client lifetime stats plugin /usr/local/lib/ # MQTT, anon, for haproxy listener 0 /var/lib/mosquitto/mosquitto.sock allow_anonymous true set_tcp_nodelay true # MQTT, password listener 1884 password_file /etc/mosquitto/tmo.passwd acl_file /etc/mosquitto/tmo.acl set_tcp_nodelay true # MQTT, password, for haproxy listener 0 /var/lib/mosquitto/mosquitto_pw.sock password_file /etc/mosquitto/tmo.passwd acl_file /etc/mosquitto/tmo.acl set_tcp_nodelay true # Websockets, anon listener 8080 protocol websockets http_dir /var/lib/mosquitto/http_dir allow_anonymous true set_tcp_nodelay true # Websockets, password listener 8090 protocol websockets http_dir /var/lib/mosquitto/http_dir password_file /etc/mosquitto/tmo.passwd acl_file /etc/mosquitto/tmo.acl set_tcp_nodelay true # Encrypted websockets - not used, replaced by haproxy #listener 8081 #protocol websockets #capath /etc/ssl/certs #certfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/ #keyfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/ #http_dir /var/lib/mosquitto/http_dir websockets_log_level 0 # Encrypted MQTT - not used, replaced by haproxy #listener 8883 #allow_anonymous true #cafile /etc/mosquitto/ssl/ #certfile /etc/mosquitto/ssl/ #keyfile /etc/mosquitto/ssl/ # Encrypted MQTT - not used, replaced by haproxy #listener 8884 #allow_anonymous true #cafile /etc/mosquitto/ssl/ #capath /etc/ssl/certs #certfile /etc/mosquitto/ssl/ #keyfile /etc/mosquitto/ssl/ #require_certificate true # Encrypted MQTT - not used, replaced by haproxy #listener 8887 #allow_anonymous true #cafile /etc/mosquitto/ssl/ #certfile /etc/mosquitto/ssl/ #keyfile /etc/mosquitto/ssl/ message_size_limit 1000000 persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/ log_dest none #log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log log_type debug log_type error log_type warning log_type notice log_type information log_type internal
user rw topic # user wo topic write # user ro topic read #